Dog – Bhairava

In the heart of our shelter, amidst the chorus of barks and gentle whimpers, there resides a soul who bears the weight of resilience and the beauty of unyielding spirit. His name is Bhairava, a majestic Modhol breed with eyes that speak volumes of a journey marred by hardship yet illuminated by unwavering hope.

Bhairava’s story is one of both triumph and tribulation. Four years ago, fate dealt him a cruel blow, shattering his once-strong limbs and leaving him with a leg fracture that defied conventional mending. Despite the pain and the limitations it imposed, Bhirava’s spirit remained unbroken, his resolve unwavering as he navigated the world on three legs instead of four.

And so, we come to you, dear reader, with a plea from the depths of our hearts. Bhairava may not be able to embark on long walks or chase after fleeting shadows, but his capacity to love knows no bounds. In his eyes lies a reservoir of untapped affection, waiting patiently for someone with a heart big enough to embrace his imperfections and see the beauty that lies within.

Together, let us rewrite the narrative of Bhairava’s life, transforming his tale of hardship into one of love, belonging, and endless possibility.

Will you open your heart to Bhairava and become his beacon of hope in a world that has often been unkind?

  • Name: Bhairava
  • Sex: Male

Through passive adoption, you can sponsor the meals & basic needs of the animal on a monthly basis without taking them home. We look after them, provide medical care & grooming while they continue to live at our centre. Your sponsorship enables us to focus our resources on maintaining & upgrading our infrastructure & veterinary care facilities. You can visit your adoptee as often as you’d like & ensure they live the rest of their days with security, stability & love.

For more details or queries, write to before you decide to make your contribution.